Message: “Colossians: Walking In Christ; The Threefold Fruit of the Gospel (Col. 1:1-8)” from Caleb Nelson
A message from the series “Colossians – Walking in Christ The Household in the New Creation.”
Message: “Cyrus: God’s Anointed Shepherd for Israel (2 Chronicles 36:22-23)” from Craig Nelson
A message from the series “I & II Chronicles: Lessons for the Imperium and the Church.”
Message: “The Fall of the Kingdom and Israel’s Rescue through Her Gentile Shepherd (2 Chron. 10:1–36:23) Josiah: A Legacy without Remedy (2 Chronicles 35:25–36:21)” from Craig Nelson
A message from the series “I & II Chronicles: Lessons for the Imperium and the Church.”